You Can Control Your Endometriosis

By Gina Warren, NTP

Roughly 1 in 9 women suffer from endometriosis. That means there’s a pretty good chance that you or someone you know lives with this condition.The bad news? Most women aren’t aware of the impact nutrition and lifestyle can have on their symptoms and the progression of this condition.The good news? Nutrition and lifestyle modifications coupled with supportive therapies like pelvic floor physical therapy and acupuncture can…

  1. decrease the severity of symptoms (in some cases completely eliminating symptoms)

  2. prevent further progression of the condition (in some cases reversing it)

  3. restore a high quality of life (including the ability to get pregnant if desired)

While family history is a big risk factor –you’re more likely to develop the condition if your mother or sister has it– diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposures all impact the way our genes are expressed and the development and progression of endometriosis. 

But let’s back up for a minute…

For those that aren’t familiar with endometriosis, it’s a condition where endometrial tissue (the tissue that lines the uterus) begins growing outside the uterus, such as on the ovaries or the lining of the abdomen. Endometrial tissue, regardless of where it’s located, responds to monthly hormone fluctuations, causing tissue to thicken, shed, and bleed (your period). Because endometrial tissue outside the uterus has no way to exit the body, it can result in swelling, inflammation, and significant pain.

As a result, heavy/irregular/painful periods, pain in the lower abdomen/lower back, bloating, pain with urination or bowel movements, nausea, chronic fatigue, painful intercourse, and fertility struggles are all common symptoms. While many women experience debilitating pain, some barely notice any symptoms at all. In fact, many aren’t even aware they have endometriosis until they try to get pregnant and can’t. 

Regardless of the symptoms experienced, the nonspecific and difficult to diagnose nature of endometriosis is often a major hurdle in moving forward. On average, it takes 10 years for a woman suffering from endometriosis to receive a proper diagnosis. 10 years!

And even then, the options offered to women by conventional medicine are limited - hormone therapy (often birth control), pain meds/management, and surgery. While some women find what they need in these, many don't and experience only temporary relief. Symptom management alone fails to address the driving force behind those symptoms.

It’s like bailing water out of a boat with a hole in it. You might be able to stay afloat, but the minute you stop bailing it’s going to fill back up with water. For lasting results you need to fix the hole!

In functional nutrition we call this “addressing the root cause” and for endometriosis, this means addressing chronic inflammation, immune dysfunction, and hormone imbalances.

A nutritional therapy practitioner helps women do just that by:

  • swapping out pro-inflammatory foods for anti-inflammatory foods

  • assessing digestive function, healing the gut (~70% of the immune system is found in the gut), and supporting a healthy microbiome

  • supporting healthy blood sugar levels

  • supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways

  • reducing exposure to environmental toxins, especially xenoestrogens, which can disrupt hormone balance and aggravate symptoms

  • assessing sleep, stress, and exercise - all lifestyle factors that can heavily impact inflammation, gut health, hormone balance, and ultimately the development and progression of endometriosis

As holistic practitioners, we also understand the value and importance of synergistic supportive therapies. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a powerful tool that can improve the function, flexibility, and strength of the pelvic floor muscles, teaching them how to coordinate and relax, which can ultimately reduce symptoms. Acupuncture is another complementary tool that can assist in pain relief, inflammation reduction, and stress management. Finding ways to incorporate low-impact, restorative movement and regular stress management practices all create a ripple effect within the body, working to break the cycle that perpetuates symptoms. 

When these underlying issues of inflammation, immune function, and hormone balance are addressed in a holistic way, the results for women are profound... reclaiming a pain-free life, eliminating bloating, increasing energy, regulating their cycle, stabilizing their mood, learning how to eat best for their body, and regaining control over their life! 

So help us shout it from the rooftops!

If you know someone who is struggling with endometriosis or other hormone related issues, let them know, with the right team of holistic providers, they CAN ditch their symptoms and live a pain-free life. 

To schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Gina Warren of Maine Functional Nutrition, visit


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