Postpartum Return To Running

You’ve delivered your baby, you’re feeling a little better and have been walking a bit and really have the urge to go for a run - but now you are thinking - is it safe to? 

Every person who has a baby will have a different timeline for increasing postpartum activity and returning to an exercise program. Many times people get the “all clear” to exercise at 6 weeks postpartum, but we also need to take into account the massive event your body just went through before we can take on the goal of running. 

Things to consider when returning to a running program:

  • Type of delivery - C-section delivery will differ from vaginal birth
  • Tearing - How severe any tearing was may impact your healing time
  • Pressure management - Are you leaking urine? Having any pressure or bulging sensation vaginally? How is your abdominal wall strength/endurance - presence of diastasis rectus abdominis? 
  • Pain  - Do you experience any pelvic or lower back pain?
  • Strength - How is your overall strength and endurance? 

Running is a task that requires a LOT of different things including:

  • Optimal balance
  • Good spinal mobility (you have to be able to rotate while running!)
  • Single leg strength and endurance! (this is so important!) 
  • Coordination of lower extremity muscles, abdominal muscles, and pelvic floor muscles
  • Optimal management of abdominal pressure

These things take time to improve, especially after having a baby, regardless of how you deliver. 

It is recommended that your return to running program starts no earlier than 3-6 months! And again, that program will look different for everyone. 

There are so many resources out there, so if you are feeling overwhelmed by it all - pelvic physical therapy is a great option for getting a baseline of  where you are now. Your evaluation will include checking your balance, mobility, strength and coordination which need to be optimal before running! It is much easier to start working on something before it becomes a problem, rather than trying to backtrack 6-12 months down the line because you started running prior to when your body was fully prepared. 

Becoming a parent is overwhelming at times and it can feel like a whirlwind of information (or lack of!) - so don’t feel like you have to figure this out alone.

Pelvic physical therapy is a great place to find support and start your return to running with a team behind you!

Schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation with Dr. Daisy or Dr. Jenn!


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