Pessary Fittings & Management
Our pelvic floor therapists are trained in sizing and fitting vaginal pessaries which are a conservative option to manage symptoms surrounding pelvic organ prolapse.
A pessary is a silicone device that is inserted vaginally to support the vaginal walls when there is descent of vaginal tissue or laxity within the vaginal and surrounding tissue. Our pelvic floor therapists are trained in sizing and fitting pessaries, and work with you and your additional providers such as urogynecologists, gynecologist/obstetricians, midwives, or primary care physicians to determine the optimal option to help you reach your goals and reduce symptoms of prolapse.
Complaints of Pelvic Prolapse may include:
Feeling of “falling out” in the vagina
Pressure at the vaginal canal, like a tampon or golf ball is sitting at the vaginal opening
Heaviness at the pelvic floor or vaginal opening
Physically feeling tissue coming out of the vaginal opening
Inability to empty their bladder or bowel without splinting (pushing the tissue upwards and back into the vagina)
In addition to pessary support, our pelvic floor therapists also work with you to continue preventing future prolapse and reduce any patterns that may be contributing to ongoing prolapse symptoms such as:
Pressure management strategies
Optimal bowel and bladder emptying habits
Retraining pelvic floor and core connection
Breathing strategies to reduce pressure on pelvic floor