Are you a candidate for Pelvic Floor Therapy?


A common misconception is that pelvic floor physical therapy (PT/OT) is only recommended when you need to fix a problem. This is actually not the case! There are many situations where it is  beneficial to see a specialist to prevent future issues. Although there are many reasons to see a pelvic PT/OT, prevention and wellness are a huge piece of what we do.

If you are wondering - “should I see a pelvic floor therapist?’ Here are a few things to ask yourself to help answer that question: 

Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Urinary leaking, frequency and/or urgency

  • Fecal incontinence, frequency and/or urgency

  • Difficulty holding back gas

  • Straining with urination or bowel movements, incomplete emptying

  • Constipation and other digestion problems

  • Pelvic “heaviness or pressure” sensation 

  • Pelvic “feeling of falling out”

  • Pain with intercourse/intimacy

  • Coccyx pain

  • Abdominal bulging (diastasis recti, hernia)

  • Common musculoskeletal complaints linked to the pelvic floor like: Low back, hip, pelvic girdle pain - especially if not improving with other treatments/PT

Do any of these conditions apply to you?

  • Pregnancy 

  • Postpartum- recovery and return to exercise guidance

  • Bladder & bowel dysfunction

  • Pelvic organ prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, uterine, rectal) 

  • Diastasis recti- umbilical/abdominal hernias

  • Chronic pain syndromes like vulvodynia- pain within the vulva; vaginismus- inability to tolerate vaginal penetration; dyspareunia- pelvic pain with intercourse; endometriosis; interstitial cystitis

  • Sexual dysfunction- including pain with sex, decreased sensation, difficulty with climax 

  • Menopause/hormonal imbalance conditions, impacting pelvic floor function 

  • Post-gynecological and post-abdominal surgeries (ex. hysterectomy, hernia repair)

  • Post cancer treatment  if pelvis/abdomen/pelvic floor is affected by radiation

If you answered “yes” to any of these -  you will benefit from seeing a pelvic floor therapist. Even if the problem is minor, or you feel like it’s normal after possibly just having a baby - these issues while common can still be treated and improved. Pelvic floor therapists are specialized physical therapists that can guide you through addressing these concerns! We want to support you in reaching your goals. 

And lastly, one of the biggest things that pelvic floor therapists want you to know - pelvic floor therapy is not just for people who have given birth! All of the signs and conditions listed above can be with or without ever having been pregnant, and most can also occur in the male or female population.

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